Media Coverage

Date Title Media Category/Program Issue/Episode
Light Pollution - The Disappearing Darkness ARTE (French-German television channel) Gesundheit (Health) -
光污染 TVB 時事多面睇 -
人人做科研之三:踏遍香江 學生合製光害圖 Wen Wei Po 教育 A9
光污染 Metro Radio 宇宙狂熱 -
香港夜空光度監測 RTHK 漫遊百科 2015 第十集
Under the starry sky U magazine Life City Feature Issue 505 - 006
英仙座流星雨下月掠港 天文台增觀測點天氣預報 AM730 新聞 -
天文台「全天相機」助觀星 Sing Tao Daily 港聞要聞 -
下月13日賞英仙座流星雨 Apple Daily 要聞港聞 -
Shedding a little light on the virtue of darkness China Daily Asia Focus HK -
減光污染靠商舖自願熄燈 The Sun 港聞 -
Professor Jason Pun - Light pollution RTHK 1 2 3 Show 第三台
Monitoring Light Pollution to Save the Night Sky Knowledge Exchange Office, HKU Knowledge Exchange Video 發展夥伴關係及知識連線
通識百寶袋:光污染 DBC數碼電台 通識‧通通識 -
Urban light pollution: why we're all living with permanent 'mini jetlag' The Guardian Environment > Cities -
Episode Thirteen 滅絕星空 RTHK Community Involvement Broadcast: We are Star Lovers 數碼31
Blinded by the light: Combating HK's 'other pollution' Time Out Hong Kong Big Smong - Features -
過度照明 TVB 時事多面睇 -
過度照明 TVB 晚間新聞 -
璀璨夜景背後 港光污染嚴重 The Sun 港聞 A20