Modifying the Existing Lightings
Some of the outdoor lightings in Kong Hong, for example street lamps and lighting decorations on buildings' walls, have poor designs in term of dark-sky friendly. For street lamps, their main purpose is for security and guiding by illuminating the road. However their lampshades are poorly designed so that a portion of light energy is scattering up instead of down. Upward lighting is useless and wasteful, and also causes light pollution.
The better design of lampshades, like the so-called "Full-Cut-Off Lighting" or "Down Lighting", should focus the light energy to 0 to 65 degrees downward, meaning that minimum light is pointing upward and hence reduce light pollution.
Left: The design of Full-Cut-Off Lighting; Right: The design of non-Full-Cut-Off Lighting.
Most of the street lamps in Hong Kong hadn't blocked the light shining upward: from the picture we know that the tree above the lamp is illumined
Part of the street lamps in Hong Kong equipped with the properties of full-cut-off: pointed lamps show how the full-cut-off reduced the upward shine.